We won an award!!!

Tons of thanks to Silly Little Game Called Life for my shiny new award. Yesenia over at Silly Little Game Called Life has some really great reviews and I just love how her blog looks. I really appreciate it! 

And onto the rules
Thank and link to the person that gave you the award.
Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
Contact the blogs and let them know they've won.
State 7 things about yourself.

7 Things About Me
  1. I want to eventually live in San Diego where I was born.
  2. I wish I could travel for a year and see the world... so to speak.
  3. I love animals... especially cats.
  4. I have been to 40 out of 50 states and want to visit the rest just so I can say I've been to all of them.
  5. I am currently working on my own book... which is a ton of fun!
  6. I love to sketch and do charcoal drawings and paint... well I love art =)
  7. I can't wait to go to AAD and meet some great authors as well as a couple of book signings that are coming up with Patrica Briggs, Rachel Caine and Charlaine Harris!!!

I now pass this on to 15 new Bloggers (to me) that I am a relatively new fan of:


Kelsey said…
Thanks for the reward and congrats on yours! :)
Unknown said…
Thanks soooo much for the award!!! =)))

Congrats on getting it!! you deserve it =)

I love my new header too hehe =) Thanks!!
Candace said…
Thank you for the award! And congrats on winning it!
Congrats :)

And thank you very much! <3
Abigail said…
Thanks so much! You'll have to tell me how the Patrica Briggs signing goes *sigh* she's not coming anywhere near me.
Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on to me! You have so many great signings to go to - I wish they would come closer to me ;) - I'm sure AAD will be fun too!
Congrats on your award!!!!! You so deserve it! And thanks for letting us peek inside to see you!
Have a great day!
Lori said…
Congrats on your award and thank you for considering my blog worthy. By the way, I am soooo stealing the man from your button. For some reason, I can seem to look away...pisses me off, that you got him half branded. :P Wouldn't happen to have the orinal image hmm? Damnit, I want some eye candy!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Hell Kat! Congratz on receiving the Beautiful Blogger Award, you have an awesome blog and totally deserve it (",) ... thanks for passing it onto Obsessed! Have a fantastic Thursday and I'm so jealous that you're going to get to attend a Charlaine Harris signing! <3 Sookie Stackhouse :)
Elaine G said…
Congrats on your award!
Donna said…
What a terrific surprise! Thank you so much for this award.

Some big names at AAD, you'll have to tell us all about it -- with pictures!! :)

My son is an art major and charcoal drawing is one of his favorite doodles.
Marissa said…
Congrats on your award, I love cats too yay!

Thanks for the award, I love it!

And I am so going to flaunt your blogbutton at my blog!

Have a great weekend!
Minding Spot said…
Congrats on your award and thanks for thinking of me!!

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